Rules & Regulation

Parent Handbook

Vision 2025

“Holistically developed Students with no gender discrimination and Delighted Stakeholders”


“Developing enlightened global citizens with involvement of all beneficiaries.”

Our Values

  •   Quality
  •   Excellence
  •   Sensitivity
  •   Respect
  •   Kaizen



Dear Parent,

The session 2020– 2021 has ended successfully we take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contribution and support you extended to us in the successful accomplishment of our endeavor.

Hope this co-operation will continue in the coming days also and that you and your child with keep in mind the following principles laid down by us in for the smooth functioning of the school.

Rules and Discipline Norms of the school:

Both parents and pupils should keep in mind the following principles of discipline laid down in the Secondary School Code (1972), Rule 56.

The Student should realize that they are responsible to the School authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of pupil shall make him liable to disciplinary action. Parents or guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what conditions it will admit or retain pupil in their Schools.

1. Attendance and Behavior

Regular attendance and study habits prompt obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each boy/girl. Hence, irregular attendance, habitual idleness, unsatisfactory application to studies, disobedience, objectionable moral influence, and unsatisfactory conduct in and out of the school will justify the dismissal of a child.

Students coming to school without doing their home-work, without books or found misbehaving in class are likely to be kept after school hours. For students of Std V to VII prior warning will be given, for students of Std VIII to XII, no prior warning will be given if kept after school.

For serious faults, BLACK CARDS are given to the child. Parents are then expected to sign and return the same to the Principal. For more serious faults GREY CARDS are given; parents are then expected to come and see the Principal on the next school day.

2. School Uniform

On school days , for school functions and PTM’s the child must be in proper school uniform:

In addition he/ she from class I to XII must have a P.T. uniform: House Colour T-shirts/ track suit and shoes.

A child is expected to come to school in school uniform. If for some valid reason a boy / girl cannot wear his uniform, he should bring a note of excuse from his parents/ guardians. Anyone coming to school without an excuse is liable to be sent home.

3. Language

When on the School premises, all have to speak in English at all times.

4. Absence, Lateness and Illness

No boy/ girl who have been absent from school or is late for school will be admitted into class without the Principal’s signature on the application.

In case of illness, on returning to school the student must bring a note in the diary from his parents / guardians certifying to the fact. Failure to produce this note may oblige the school to send the child home even during school hours.

A child who has been suffering from an infectious disease must bring a doctor's certificate declaring him/ her fit to go to school without danger of infecting others. On his/ her rejoining school, he/ she should be accompanied by his/ her parent.

The Principal should be informed as soon as possible if, due to illness, a child is likely to be absent for more than three days . A medical certificate should then be produced.

5. School Property

All students must take care of school property including the chairs, desks, glass panes, books, etc. Those who damage or destroy school property will have to make good the damage done. If no students own up to the damage done, a common fine will be charged from all.

Care is taken to ensure that no untoward mishap occurs while your child is with us. However, accidents can take place at any time. Should an accident occur, either on the school premises or while the children are on the school bus, or at a picnic / outing / camp, the school will bear no financial responsibility.

6. Personal Belongings

A child must look after his/her own belongings: Coats, raincoats, caps, jerseys, umbrellas, tiffin boxes etc. and all books must be marked with the name and class of the owner. It is not advisable for a child to have money or any valuable articles with him/her.

Students from Std. I to VI should not wear wristwatches to school.

Student of Std. VII to XII may use wristwatches on exam days only.

Student should not possess Pokémon cards or any other type of playing cards, personal diaries and other electronic gadgets particularly mobiles & video games. Such articles will be confiscated.
The School does not make itself responsible for books, clothes or other articles lost or stolen.

7. Personal Transport

The school takes no responsibility if the cycles are found missing or damaged. No student is allowed to come to school driving motorized vehicles.

8. Co-Curricular Activities

Those who absent themselves from curricular activities, have to bring a note of excuse. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who absent themselves from these activities.

Must For Parents to Check

School Diary

The school diary is designed to act as a medium facilitating effective communication between parents and teachers. Its scope is, therefore, extended beyond that of a mere almanac and rule book.

  • Ensure that your ward brings the diary to school every day.
  • Encourage him/her to note down the assignments carefully and regularly in the diary.
  • Check the diary regularly for any entries/circulars from the school. The diary may also be used by the parent/s for
    communicating with the teacher/s or school authorities.
  • Read the contents of the diary carefully.
  • Sign all the notes sent by the school.

  • Home Assignments

    Regular homework assignments are given to students to reinforce the learning in school. Homework also helps to inculcate good study habits among students.

    Parents must ensure that their ward:

  • Is regular in doing homework.
  • Does the homework neatly and on his/her own.
  • Submits the homework on time.

  • Leave

  • All requirements of leave should be applied for in advance, except in case of emergency.
  • Parents are requested to fill up the leave application form given in the school diary.
  • Leaves during class test, unit tests and Summative/ Evaluation exams are strongly discouraged.
  • Leave on account of illness during exams or otherwise will be granted only if a medical certificate for the same is submitted.
  • Holidays in addition to the regular term breaks should be avoided.

  • Medication

  • Parents must inform the class teacher in writing regarding the details of any medicine that their child needs to take regularly or if he/she is allergic to any drug.
  • Students suffering from contagious diseases should not be sent to school, till the mandatory period of quarantine is over.

    Healthy Eating Habits

  • All students are expected to bring proper lunch and water bottle.
  • The Menu chart must be strictly followed.
  • It is advisable to send healthy Tiffin (green vegetables, seasonal fruits etc). Junk Food like wafers, burgers, and pizzas should be avoided.
  • Do not send any eatables for distribution on your ward's birthday or in casual wear.

  • Parent Teacher

    Parent Teacher Meeting

  • Parent Teacher Meeting Should Be Utilized as platform to interact with the teachers to be well informed regarding the academic progress and behavior of the child.
  • Schedule for the Meeting is given through message and on student’s personal ID. However, parents are also informed about the Meeting through SMS sent by the school and on website.
  • Always try to reach the Parent Teacher Meeting venue well in time.
  • Adherence to time Schedule of Meeting is Desirable.
  • For Meeting Principal on any other working day, the timing is as follows.

  • Every Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.

    Through Telephone / Mobile phone one can contact us on all working weekdays between 9:30 am to 2:00 pm on the following telephone numbers:

    Principal Ms Vanchana Badmera 9826244720
    Admin Officer Mrs. Manisha Dubey 8109099725
    Front Office Executive Mrs. Deepa Tomar 6260182654
    Account Officer Mr. Dheeraj Maheshwari
    Mr. Vikas Shrivastava
    Transport Incharge Mr. Satyadev Tyagi
    Mr. Amit Bhadoriya

    On all days 24x7 one can e-mail us giving details of his/her grievance/ query along with contact number and details at:

    [email protected]

    Through post one may contact us by sending a letter through speed post at:

    Greenwood Public School, Jedrua Kalan, Adityapuram, Gwalior -474 020

    For more details you may access our

    Yours Sincerely
    Greenwood Public School, Adityapuram